Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 39 - Cheesy Noodles 'n Burgs!

I needed a quick recipe for dinner after we got home on Sunday.  Happy to find one with all the ingredients in the house!  This recipe was alright...I felt like it needed something else in it.  Love the trios though!

Got to hike for a couple hours in the morning, saw the scour where the Taum Sauk reservoir had flooded the grounds and exposed many different rocks.  That was followed by clean up of camp and swimming in the Shut-ins.  I was so worried about outfitting the kids with water shoes for the rocks that I forgot to check on mine and my husbands' shoes...needless to say, couldn't find his and mine fell apart on the spot.  Thanks to my husband for trading me on the hike back, my feet aren't in as quite as bad shape as they could have been...

What a fun trip, hoping to plan another one soon, with a float trip included!

Eat well!

Day 38 - Yo! Chili Dog Wrap

I was happy to be able to plan a HG meal while we were camping, it worked out perfectly.  This recipe was pretty tasty, the flavor was mainly based on the chili.  So it could be steered in multiple directions based on your taste buds.

Rain hit us Friday night right after we set up the tent, so the evening was spent in the tent out of the rain.  Long night and up way too early.  More rain in the morning, but the trip to Elephant Rocks was awesome followed by some swimming in Johnson Shut-ins...more of that to come on Sunday.

Nothing like smores over the campfire at night!

Eat well!

Day 37 - HG Special Egg Mug

And it was special!  Friday morning started with a creamy delicious egg mug, simple too with deli turkey and Laughing Cow french onion cheese (which I had never tried before).  Great way to start the day!

It was the last day of school for my daughter, so they had field day in the morning and a rally in the afternoon.  Felt like we spent all day up at the school.  Got a little shock at the end of the rally, our principal announced her resignation because she is taking a higher adminstrative job in another school district.  I'm happy for her, but sad for the kids and our school that is truly like a family.  I trust in our district to hire someone more than qualified, but I wonder what the climate at the school will be like in the future. It's always hard to think about change.

Getting ready all day for our camping trip; Friday was truly a crazy day!  We were off on our trip when my husband got home.  Already had my HG meal planned out for Sat night....Eat well!

Day 36 - 'Bella Asada Fajitas

Yummy dinner on Thursday!  I've actually made these before because the recipe came out in an email, but I thoroughly enjoyed them the second time around.  So did my husband!

Got a little teary-eyed at my son's last day of presechool for the year.  His teachers were amazing; he has matured and grown so much over this past year.  Only one more year of preK before elementary school.

My daughter bridged to Brownies in a really cute ceremony where the current Brownies 'baked' the new Brownies and invited them to join their circle before flying up to Juniors themselves.  Really fun for the girls and parents, I think.

Playing catch up again here, so eat well!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 35 - Crunchy Beefy Taco Egg Mug

What's wrong with breakfast for dinner?  Absolutely nothing at all.  This egg mug was a mexican dinner all in one.  Perfect and delicious.  Plus it's filling and low points! 

I forgot to mention that the scale went down again this week...I wasn't sure since it was a stressful weekend with dance events.  I find myself making better choices though which is nice to realize. 

I cannot believe it is the last week of school, only one more day for my son and two more days for my daughter.  It has gone by so fast.  I have really enjoyed watching both kids grow and mature over this year.  Still waiting for the final potty training to occur but he has made some small steps towards achieving that goal.  I would give him just about ANYTHING he wanted if he could just get there...

So I really think I am cursed around computers these days, I'm surprised I haven't ruined this one's the 'kids' computer, so it doesn't have some of the programs I really need to Word.  I hope to be on the computer less this summer, mainly using it for this blog and my WW points.

Evening duties are callling...hoping it isn't raining tomorrow morning so I can walk with my friend.  I'm so tired of this severe weather.  It has been such a horrible year for tornado destruction.  My thoughts and prayers are with those going through the recovery process in Missouri and those elsewhere still trying to recover from past storms.

Eat well, and watch out for those cicadas, they are everywhere.

Day 34 - Spicy Chicken Crunchtastic Supreme

So this was my lunch today!  OMG, it was soooooooo good!  I really do like Taco Bell's crunchwrap or at least I used I can make my own healthier version at home!  I even left my husband try it and he wanted 3 of them!  Definitely marking it down as a favorite recipe for the future.

Tuesday was busy with school and errands, then a fun playdate, then dance pictures at night.  I'm glad that dance is over for the year now.  It has been fun, but I won't miss the twice weekly trip there.  It makes me so appreciative of all the places my parents drove me to participate in many activities.  I just want my kids to find something that makes them really happy.

I spent 2 hours cleaning my daughter's room the other day.  I'm so sick of polly pocket, littlest pet shop and Barbie stuff.  I think a few of those things are going up on craigslist this week...or going in the garage sale next week.  She probably won't miss anything at all.

Eat well, and try not to step on any toys this evening!

Day 33 - Turkey Club B. Bowl

Yummy way to start my week!  This tasted really close to a turkey club mixed with eggs of course.  I did leave off the tomato though.  I'm really loving taking the time to make a nice breakfast in the morning instead of rushing all the time.  It's hard for moms to do that and try to get kids off to school or get to work.  It's worth it though!

Eat well, and eat breakfast tomorrow!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 32 - Amazin' Onion Quesadilla

Okay, so I was a little skeptical about this because onions are not at the top of my fave list.  However, I loved it!  The carmelized onions were amazing in this simple dish, plus I used sweet onion which may have helped as well.  Yippee!

Exhausted on Sunday from the dance recital stuff Fri night and all day Sat...had fun at my BF daughter's birthday party.  Always great to visit with them.

Side note:  Anyone know much about black rice?  Thought I'd ask, just don't google it because it might lead to a web site with a virus on it....don't ask.  Computers are not my friends these days.

Eat well!  I think I'm all caught up and will try to post every day!  I'm so excited to have made it a month already, wow!

Day 31 - EZ Mock Vodka Pasta

I was in a pretty big hurry on Sat, so my meal between dance recital performances was this shirataki noodle recipe which was quick.  These trios are great because they are just that, 3 ingredients and done.  I liked the way the marinara and lc cheese came together to make a creamy sauce.  Pretty tasty!

Dance recital was so much fun, after a major meltdown last year, she LOVED watching all the dances this year and was completely into the whole performance experience.  Yay!  She already informed me that she wants to do 3 classes next year....we'll see about that when the time comes to sign up.  I just hope they will be on the same nights!

Eat well!  Dance like no one is watching.

Day 30 - It's Greek to Me Egg Mug

Yummiest egg mug yet!!!!  Can't wait to make it again!  LOVE the feta with spinach and onions and tomatoes and fresh basil.  I think my husband was jealous.

Dance recital weekend ahead.  Eat well!

Day 29 - Surprise! It's Pumpkin Enchiladas

And that's basically what I did, I surprised my husband with pumpkin enchiladas for dinner. :)  They were pretty yummy with some brown rice and greek yogurt on top.  The enchilada sauce and taco sauce really took over the flavor of the pumpkin completely.  They were filling as well.

Eat well!

Day 28 - BBQ Spaghetti

Playing catch up some more, I'm afraid to be new the computer too long for fear of something crashing once again.  I keep asking myself how long I could live without using the computer....hmmm.

Last Wed was super busy, dr appt, GS meeting, PTO meeting, birthday party...whew.  I did find time to try this HG recipe.  Using the shirataki noodles again, this could take on the flavor of your fave bbq sauce.  Still unhappy with the ff shredded cheese, it just doesn't melt well, in my opinion.

Eat well!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 27 - Buffalo Chicken Egg Mug

My day started off great!  The scale went down more than I expected it to, I'll take it!  Breakfast was my HG meal and I'm continuing this buffalo chicken kick.  I always seem to add just a touch too much of hot sauce though.  It was pretty tasty and filling for the morning!

Got to have a picnic at my son's preschool today, it was a beautiful day.  What fun to be outside with him and his friends and their families.  Getting ready for my daughter's dance recital this coming weekend, hopefully it will go well.  She says she's nervous, but she is truly a performer.  Thank goodness my SIL has agreed to do her makeup again this year, she looked great last year.  I'm just not the makeup gal...I do try though.

Eat well, and enjoy the sunshine today and whenever you get the chance.

Day 26 - Quick 'n Spicy Fettuccine Hungry Buff-redo

Catching up some more...I'm still staying on my HG meal a day, just with computer issues, I haven't been online much.

I had this recipe for dinner...I have found that I'm liking the shirataki noodles more and more each time I have them.  I added chicken to the dish to meet my craving for buffalo chicken dip that I love...

I felt really bad about missing my daughter's field trip.  My son has gymnastics on Mondays and I cannot take him along on trips, and I'm short on babysitters these days.  Using my father in law on Wed...we got to meet her for lunch at a park thought which was nice.  Just feel like she doesn't get my attention the way she used to before my son was born.  I need to really make more time for the two of us. 

Eat well, and hug your kids every day!  They need to know how much we love them no matter what.

Day 25 - Salsa to the Tuna Salad

Playing catch up....Sunday, I had this as a light lunch...tuna mixed with yogurt and salsa.  I decided it needed to be a dip for baked tortilla chips.  It was an okay meal, but I probably won't make it again or use a different salsa, that was the dominant flavor there.  I'm also finding that I'm not a huge fan of guiltless gourmet baked tortilla chips.  I like tostitos scoops much better.

My husband smoked a turkey Sunday with his new home built drum turkey ever.  So proud of my do it yourselfer that I married!

Eat well, and I hope to get back on track soon...still waiting for the verdict on data recovery on my hard drive. :(

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 24 - Zazzled Up Zuppa

Still running a day behind...we had this soup last night with dinner and it was great.  Tomato-y and filling with the beans...thinking I could use ground turkey instead of soy crumbles for the meaty part.  My husband enjoyed it as well.  I really like the Amy's chunky tomato soup as a base for other soups.

Still not feeling like posting much.  Eat well and enjoy the sunshine if you have some, it's rainy and cold here!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 23 - Curry in a Hurry Trio

It hasn't been a good week, having some serious computer issues right now.  I made this burger trio last night, it probably would have been better if I hadn't burnt it while I was picking strawberries.  Love the hummus on the burger though.

Again, catching up for yesterday, I haven't felt like posting much.  Having my HG meal for dinner...hopefully I'll feel like posting again.  Eat well, and back up all your important information on your computer RIGHT NOW!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 22 - Quick BBQ Chicken Nachos

Love BBQ chicken, add it to some baked tortilla chips and it's even better.  I really wanted to add some cheese though.  Not sure if I'll make it again, but it made a quick easy lunch.

Blogger was down last night, so I'm just catching up for yesterday.  Will post again once I have my HG meal for today...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 21 - Eggs-Bene Chick Mug

Started my day off with my HG recipe again, only this time I wasn't quite as thrilled with the meal.  I'm not sure if it was just too early in the morning for mustard, but it just wasn't an amazing dish.  Busy day today, getting some things ready for our preschool end of the year event tomorrow night.  Not in charge, but I'm here to help.  It should be fun!  And one less thing on my list to do this month.

No truly deep thoughts today.  Happy to have had a pleasant day and good food.  We did try another HG recipe from an email tonight for dinner, sweet and sticky sesame chicken.  It was delicious!  My husband enjoyed it as well.  We got to enjoy our first strawberries of the season out of our garden tonight.  Planted those strawberries 4 years ago, and they are still going strong.

Need to run for bedtime, eat well and smile at a stranger tomorrow, it always makes me feel better.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 20 - Denver Omelette Mug

Yay!  The scale went down again this week, just a little, but down is down. :)

Started my day off with a yummy HG breakfast.  Green pepper and onions with ham and cheese egg mug, delish.  My husband was jealous, he said he could smell it all the way upstairs.  I gave him a little nibble. 

It was a productive day, lots of things done.  Too bad the cleaning fairy didn't visit my house while I was gone.  My daughter got the cutest costume tonight for her pom class, I cannot believe the recital is a week and a half away.  Only one more class to practice!

I was thinking today about how hard it can be to take care of things for yourself when you are a SAHM with little kids.  Like a simple dr appt.  Without a babysitter it can be really hard to schedule something during the day.  I feel lucky that we have some family in town that has been available during the day to help me out over the past couple years.  I had no clue what to do when I first started staying at home.  Wish I had made some friends that lived close to trade off babysitting for instances such as these....but now that the kids are in school part or most of the time and there are no more babies for us, guess I'm past that stage.  It's definitely not easy, and it's not real easy to ask for help sometimes either.  I would start typing about mommy guilt, but that might go on forever.  I'll save it for another day.

Had to turn on the a/c yesterday.  The hardwood floors and the railing up the stairs were wet; ugh, the humidity is already through the roof.  We usually can get to June 1st without a/c, but I really just want to be comfortable.

Got to eat lunch with my daughter at school today, brought her food from the golden arches to eat.  It's pretty rare that we go there these days.  It was fun to sit with her and her friends.  Love that she wants me there!  I'm sure it won't last.  Off to get the kids some pjs, eat well and plant some flowers this week.  Watch them bloom.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 19 - Pizza-fied Grilled Cheese

Late once lunch today was a pizza flavored grilled cheese, tasted just like it sounds.  Pizza has got to be one of my favorite foods.  Getting a similar meal for alot less calories is great!

Okay, my blog is starting to sound like a diary.  Not really what I had planned, not that I had a was a pretty good day though and an okay food week.  Hopefully the scale will reflect that in the morning.  They say getting enough sleep is important for weight loss as well, so I'm off to bed.

Eat well, call and old friend and schedule a visit, it'll be worth it.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 18 - Raw Apple Rollup

Happy Mother's Day!

It's almost over, but it turned out to be a pretty good day.  The cruise on the river did not go as planned due to the motor getting flooded and fuel leaking and so on...the kids did enjoy playing on the 'beach' in the sand and mud and water.  So we headed to a park to eat the picnic lunch I packed this morning.  Sat at a picnic table with lots of bugs, so the kids were whiny.  They played on the playground for a little while then we left to get frozen custard from a local place.  I was good and tried their 95% fat free vanilla with strawberries, yummy.

After a quick shower and turnaround at home, we headed over to my best friend's house to join them for their annual Mother's Day barbecue.  Had a blast!  The kids all got to play together and there was good food and fun conversation.  Always nice when she and I get a moment to talk, they are fewer and farther between these days.  Got the kids home and showered and in bed early for a change, guess they were worn out from our adventures today.

They were so sweet to me this morning.  My daughter made me a construction paper rose, talk about creative!  Then she made one for my son to give to me...awwwww.  I'm a pretty simple gal most of the time, so their hugs and love is plenty to fill my heart with joy.

So after all these meals today, of course I hadn't had my HG recipe yet. I made a quick raw apple rollup, pretty simple.  The LC cheese was super creamy in contrast to the apple, and all wrapped up in a tortilla (one of my favorite things) was a nice light snack tonight.  I did get some spiked freckled lemonade as well at my friend's house although the chocolate strawberry mudslides were gone, so I missed out on those!  Guess I'll have to make them at home.

It's getting late, I'm glad it's 2 hours earlier where my mom lives, so I'm going to go call her now. :)  Eat well and hugs to all those wonderful mothers out there!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 17 - Pizza! Pizza! Egg Mug

It was a pretty good day.  I definitely did not get enough sleep last night by far, and I'm pretty tired right now.  We worked outside this afternoon, got the front of the house looking pretty nice.  I planted some things and trimmed some bushes way back, spread some mulch too.  Muscles are a little sore from bending and reaching, but I'm happy with the result.

Everyone loves pizza for breakfast!  I thoroughly enjoyed the pizza egg mug this morning, it was yummy!  Especially beside my bowl of mango.  I'm excited because the Food Network is showing HG episodes starting tomorrow.  We don't get the Cooking Channel here, grrrr.  Can't wait to see a whole show!  It's fun to see her videos since I got to meet her last summer during her cocktail book tour stop here. :)

My daughter is feeling better, thankfully.  I made her rest part of the day, but she did play with a friend and did get to enjoy the beautiful weather we had today.  I originally wanted to do a big brunch for Mother's day, but those are super expensive sometimes.  I think I'm going to wait a few years til the kids will actually enjoy it too.  I came up with the idea of taking a picnic lunch to a state park somewhere and doing some hiking.  Not sure if my daughter could handle it, so I think we might be heading out on the river in the 'party cruiser' tomorrow with said picnic lunch to enjoy the river.

It was fun to watch my son run through the sprinkler today with a look of pure joy on his face.  Those are the memories.  Eat well, I know I am. :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 16 - S'mores Oatmeal

Writing late again today from scrapbooking night with the girls.  Breakfast was sooooo yummy!  The s'mores oatmeal was creamy and tasted just like I was camping.  It's going to keep me buying oats at the store from now on, plus my husband really likes the creations as well in addition to plain oatmeal.

My daughter came home sick with me after volunteering at her school.  I was happy that I got to help her class, she was glad to be there for a little while.  But she spent the rest of the day on the couch.  Hope this clears up soon.  Thankfully our weekend is completely clear.

This is my night out for the month.  I get to hang out with some really good friends, share good food and drink, stories and pictures.  I'm always happy when I get to go, every month doesn't always work out.  I know I'm a much better mom when I get some time away...I think I've mentioned that before.

I hope the families devestated by the tornadoes are able to move forward with their lives soon.  I know it can be tough dealing with insurance companies and contractors and I can only imagine how hard it is when you are trying to hold onto some shred of your life as it used to be.  I have been keeping them in my thoughts and prayers and hope that I will find a way to help them.  I have been really trying to share whatever we have to offer with those less fortunate or those going through a tragedy.  I feel very lucky and blessed with my life as much as I might complain about the daily struggle.  I just need to remember how special my life is with my family.

It's been a rough day for food, I was trying to save extra points for tonight, but a whole day stuck at home is always challenging.  It's a close day, but I will be good for the rest of the week.  Looking forward to planting some flowers and ground cover plants this weekend.  I'm sure it's going to rain tomorrow, but Sunday is supposed to be nice.  We also need to get our garden in the ground if we are going to...the strawberries are coming in nicely.  Too bad we still have jam from last year.....good thing my husband likes it on his oatmeal.

My son's preschool class today song some songs for Mother's Day at pickup time, they were all so cute!  He also planted a flower for me.  My special little guy. 

It's getting late and I'm ignoring my well and hug your loved ones tight!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 15 - Crunchy Turkey Tacos

Happy Cinco de Mayo!  I had to have a Mexican inspired HG meal today.  Yummy turkey tacos.  We seem to always use soft tortillas these days when we have Mexican food, so I always remember how much I love crunchy shells when I actually eat them.  Also reminds me of growing up, I always loved taco salad and taco nights.

My daughter woke up sick this morning, so my plan of getting some things done disappeared.  I had to work out some logistics to get my son to school and pick him up and deal with the cable man fixing our cable line this morning.  Good thing is that we are back online!  My daughter was bouncing off the walls, even worked on her homework.  She crashed this afternoon; but I'm hoping that she will be well enough to go to school tomorrow, for both our sakes.

Have to run to a PTO board meeting tonight, so I wanted to write this a little bit earlier tonight.  My son's preschool class sang the cutest song to the moms today; it was to the tune of Oscar Meyer.  Adorable!

Eat well and hugs to your loved ones!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 14 - Easiest Thin Crust Pizza Ever

Tortilla pizza rocks!  But it isn't really new to me; I grew up on tortilla pizzas.  And my kids love them!  I needed a quick lunch today, so this was it.  I did like her trick of putting the tortilla in the oven alone for a little bit to crisp before adding the sauce and chesse.  Super yummy!

My son and I went to the zoo today to enjoy the sunny day.  His preschool class is studying zoo, pets, and animals and is 'growing' butterflies right now.  We had a really nice time and probably could have stayed longer.  But I only packed some snacks, and we were both getting hungry.  Decided we didn't need to spend the money or the calories at one of the eateries there.  Plus I needed to get some things ready for a Daisy meeting after school.

I'm very irritated with our cable company right now.  They woke me up in the middle of the night banging on the poles just behind our house.  And then I woke up this morning to our cable being out.  They are not giving us any details as to what they were doing at that time of night.  Seriously, what cable company is actually working in the middle of the night?  After a long online chat (thanks to my husbands' aircard), there is a service person coming tomorrow between 10-12.  That's more like the hours they work.  Apparently their system isn't even showing an outage for our house...ummm, I haven't had internet or tv ALL DAY.  Tell me what's going on with your 'late night activities', please.

I feel bad, I sent my husband off this morning with my carmel flavored coffee.  I don't normally buy it, but I had a coupon.  I have regular beans, but I didn't want to wake the house with the grinder this morning.  He didn't really enjoy it.  I add creamer to mine anyway, so I can only tell a small difference.  Already got the coffee pot set for tomorrow morning.

Thank goodness Jacques had some tv for me to watch tonight from earlier this week.  Ugh.  I think it's time to head to bed.  Hugs to loved ones and eat well!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 13 - PB & Chocolate Oatmeal Blitz

The sun came out today!  What a gorgeous day it was here...just made me happy to know it was out there.  I had a nice day, got some errands done, shopped some sales with coupons, and shared a fun lunch with my husband.  Kids were tired this morning; they wouldn't get out of bed.  I tried to get them to bed earlier tonight.  Catching up on a little tv.

My breakfast this morning was the PB & Chocolate Oatmeal Blitz which I shared with my husband.  I think I might really like oatmeal now!

It was a good scale day, the number went down. :)

I have to say that I'm really happy my son has started to like Batman.  He has been into more girlish toys in the past and frankly still is...but that is due to his older sister and how much he worships her.  But he is all about Batman these days..he wants pjs, socks, Legos, and more.  He is such a fun little guy.

I think I need to start writing this earlier in the day, I'm getting sleepy.  Eat well!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 12 - Sweet and Savory Breakfast Bread Pudding Bowl

It was an amazing breakfast!  The bread pudding bowl was awesome!  It was sorta like a great french toast with cinnamon and powdered sugar.  Yummy!

It's gloomy and cold here again.  Didn't we say good bye to winter?  The weather has be exhausted and unmotivated.  It doesn't feel like May at all.  Looking forward to curling up under the covers and finishing the book I'm reading.  Too many interruptions last night by the kiddos, I need some sleep too! 

The scale is looming over me for tomorrow morning.  I feel like it's been a good week.  Guess we'll see.

So short tonight, eat well, hug your loved ones tight!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 11 - Hot Hot Dog

It's going to be short and sweet tonight.  Had a pretty nice day.  Got the kids ready this morning for pictures, they did awesome!  Then we went out for an awesome lunch at a local pizza place.  Afterwards we headed to a park to play on the playground and try to take some more pictures outdoors.  When the rain came, we headed home to relax.  My husband and I even got to get comfy and watch a movie together this afternoon.

After filling up at lunch today, I really wasn't looking forward to making a HG recipe for dinner.  So I chose a super small trio...the Hot Hot Dog.  It was spicy and a perfect snack this evening instead of a real meal.  Looking forward to a busy week, the first of four this month of May.

Eat well, hugs all around!