Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 10 - Pizza Burger

Well, it was a gorgeous day today, so much for the rain I thought was predicted.  It allowed the kids to play outside almost all day; it was pretty peaceful around here.  Got a few things done.  I cannot believe it is May tomorrow!  Where has the year gone?  I have to admit I feel like events and commitments in May are closing in on me, between PTO and PSO and GS stuff that I need to get done or events I need to attend.  Crazy time of year!

I made myself a HG pizza burger for lunch today with a big salad.  I decided to leave the bun out of the meal this time, and it was yummy!  I'm a true pizza lover, so the flavor was great without the points!   I also made a veggie fried rice recipe for dinner, it just isn't out of the 300 under 300 book.  That was tasty too!

Wish I could have made it down to my alma mater to celebrate with some special girls this morning; I'm sure they had fun.  Another time perhaps. 

I'm reading a really good book that's part of a series that my parents turned me onto...see, I absolutely love to read.  My husband always feels more neglected than usual when I'm in the middle of a book.  I have many authors that I read, and I'm always open to suggestions for enjoyable escapes.  I am really thrilled that my daughter has developed a real passion for reading; she continues to amaze me as she speeds through chapter books now.  I shouldn't be surprised since she is my kid, I guess.

We are having pictures of the kiddos taken tomorrow.  I have this spot at the bottom of the stairs that holds a nice 10x13 frame that I like to change out every year around their birthdays.  Running a little late this year, my fave store closed so we are heading to a different one tomorrow.  Same chain, different location.  Hope they are still open when we get there!  ...Just called to make sure we have a confirmed appointment, all set. :)

Must go get the kids to bed; they need their beauty sleep.  Eat well, hug your loved ones tight!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 9 - All-American Egg Mug

My first HG egg mug!  It was pretty good this morning.  And filling as well.  I haven't been the biggest fan of egg beaters in the past, but with the goodies mixed in, not too bad.  I usually just stick to the egg whites from regular eggs and throw away the yolks.  Not sure which way is cheaper these days.

Every Friday I have the opportunity to volunteer in my daughter's classroom for the gifted program.  It has been fun to watch the kids grow over the course of the year.  They are currently getting items ready for an environmental fair from which the proceeds will be donated to a local bird sanctuary.  I'm just in awe of what first graders are asked to accomplish these days.  I know it's a different world than when I was a kid, but wow.  I have to say that the one thing she struggles with is her handwriting, I think she inherited her dad's talent with a pencil.  I can remember spending so much time on this basic skill in elementary school and now, there is not a minute to spare in the day to work on it.  She has gotten so much better over the course of the year, but still not where she is expected to be for a first grader.  Writing has become a lost art, I suppose, with the technological world we live in today.

In case you were wondering, no garage sale tomorrow, possible rain and I'm going to wait a month for our subdivision sale when they do all the advertising.  I'm struggling with what has become a very emotional issue in our household.  My four year old son still has yet to poop in the potty completely on his own.  We've caught him and run him in there, but he hasn't quite gotten there himself.  I still debate whether it's just him being stubborn or lack of control.  I do know that it doesn't really seem like he cares much at all.  I think I know that he will get there someday, but it's hard to believe it, and I am so sick of diapers.

Anyhow, hoping to start a couple home projects soon, our dining room and kitchen both have some wallpaper that needs to disappear.  We haven't done much to the house since we moved in almost six years ago, and it's time!  We ate out tonight at a 'best of' mexican restaurant tonight.  I was good:  counted my chips and brought half my meal home.  Just another day of trying to eat well and keep on track.

Still thinking about the devastated lives of those in the tornadoes' path this past week, I hope that peace and comfort finds them.  Hug your loved ones tight, in the end, they are all that matter.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 8 - Cheeseburger Mac Attack

Okay, it's late.  I'm tired.  I waited too long to type this...I loved my HG meal today.  It was a crockpot dish called Cheeseburger Mac Attack.  Pretty much tasted just like it sounds.  I decided to add chopped up pickles and mustard on top.  Yummy!  I love the crockpot, it makes life so easy sometimes as long as you plan ahead.  I have to admit, I'm usually pretty good at planning, not perfect anymore, but good.

Anyone know who is getting married tomorrow or should I say in less than 12 hours?   Just kidding.  I have Jacques set up to record coverage, not sure which station will be the best, but I chose one.  NOT getting up to watch from 3am to 6am.  I wish them well in their marriage.  It's tough enough for us 'commoners', I hope they get to enjoy each other and remember the love that brought them to this point.

I was reminded this morning at a volunteer breakfast about how wonderful my daughter's elementary school community is and how lucky we were to choose this area.  As tough as things may get for the school district, it's nice to know that we have this family to take comfort and pride in each day.

I'm off to bed, my neck and back/shoulders are feeling better.  My prayers are with all of those families that have been affected by the tornadoes here and in the south.  It has been a very crazy spring; here's hoping for a little peace now.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 7 - Flat-Top Patty Melt

Another rainy day here…blech, going to start building a boat tomorrow.

I went to a meeting this morning that just depressed me about what our high school will be like once my children actually get there.  It’s not a pretty picture as the budget continues to get cut.  Those programs that make our school district great will disappear as the years go on.  My husband tells me that he is excited about my passion for education and trying to help ensure that our kids get a good one.  I think he’s just happy I’m passionate about something besides children’s clothing….

I decided to make our evening meal the HG one, so it was a bit of a scramble to get it done. I’m actually typing before we eat, but I’ll finish the entry after we get done.  I have training for Girl Scout day camp tonight for three hours, so my husband gets to enjoy the company of the kids without me.

I don’t think this garage sale is going to happen, I’m just not motivated to bring up everything from the basement to put it in the garage and then have to walk to my car in the rain.  Besides, it’s going to rain on Saturday; will a sale really do that well in the rain?  Maybe I’m just being lazy, but I am truly wanting to get rid of all the old baby/kid stuff we have in the house.  Our basement is seriously bordering on being shown on ‘hoarders’.

Flat-Top Patty Melt was something I thought my husband would eat and that I had the ingredients to make.  It was okay, I’m not a really big onion fan, so that’s just me.  I might need to change up my ingredients.  And although fat free cheese has come a long way, it just isn’t the same as the real deal.

Please hope that we don’t float away soon.  Eat well, hug your loved ones tight!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 6 - Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal Parfait

I was so excited for this morning because I was having my HG meal for breakfast, and I started it last night.  It is one of the cold oatmeal dishes that needs to be chilled for a couple hours, much easier to do overnight than get up earlier.  So after smelling the pumpkin pie oatmeal before it went into the fridge just left me dreaming about it til morning.

Until morning when I woke up at 4:40am with serious pain in my shoulder and neck.  Like really serious, like 8 on a 10pt scale.  And I usually do pretty well with pain.  I couldn't get comfortable in bed, so I tried the couch.  Not sure I ever fell back asleep.  Ibuprofen and tylenol haven't been able to touch it yet.  BUT my breakfast was truly delicious.  I love pumpkin and this recipe did not disappoint at all!

Oh, and I did get on the scale this morning, it went down from last Thursday, but not by much.  At least I have a clean slate for the upcoming week.  Wish me luck!

Both kids are in school right now and I've gotten some errands done this morning.  Always go quicker without the kids.  I truly believe I'm a better mom after I get some 'me' time.  I love being at home in a quiet house with no sound at all, it is really peaceful.  And the sun is out today which is just fabulous!  It probably won't last, but I will enjoy it while I can. 

Thanks for reading!  Eat well, and have a safe and fulfilling day!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 5 - Shrimpylicious Eggrolls

I have to say that I am really tired of the rain.  April showers have gone on long enough.  I wish that we could share some of this rain with the southwestern states where there have been droughts going on this winter.  And the thunderstorms and tornadoes, ugh.  I know I suffer from mild to moderate seasonal depression, and it seems like this rain and weather and being trapped indoors has gone on soooooo long this year.  I know it's a transition time, but please let it be over soon.  I wonder if this will be a mild summer or a hot one for the record books, anyone know what they are predicting for the Midwest?

My daughter was off school today, so after my son's gym class, they both got their haircut.  Thankfully the salon was not busy and we were done quickly.  I'm always proud when my kids behave in public; it makes life go smoothly for all of us.  It doesn't happen all the time, so I make sure to praise them when it does. 

Rumble, rumble of thunder, seriously?

My husband has been craving Asian food, so we tried the Shrimpylicious Eggrolls for dinner tonight.  I don't think I've ever made eggrolls before.  Lots of chopping for this one, the preparation took longer than the other recipes I've tried thus far.  I love the trick of spraying with cooking spray then baking to give a resemblance of the crisp shell that results from frying.  Not exactly the same thing, but it works.  The eggrolls were filling and tasty, especially with the sweet and sour sauce I had saved from previous takeout food.  A trick that I may or may not have gotten from Rachel Ray.  I think my husband enjoyed them as well.  With some brown rice on the side, it was a pretty decent dinner.  I think the kids liked their hot dogs and bell pepper, sigh.

On these days of crappy weather I find myself wandering around the house, taking care of little tasks, but wanting to wander back to the pantry.  The candy leftover from yesterday isn't helping at all.  But I'm on point for today, so...I must tell you that I dread Tuesdays, that's the day that I have to climb on the scale and admit to WW online how much I weigh.  Never been to an actual meeting.  The first time I lost all that weight was almost completely on my own.  I was on the journey with my best friend across the miles and we kept each other accountable and shared recipes along the way.  Then kids came along.  Anyhow, I didn't weigh myself til Thursday last week, so I'm not sure the scale will change.  Easter dinner from yesterday probably won't help either.  It was too yummy!

Currently my husband is building with Legos with the kids; I know he loves that fact that they enjoy something he loved growing up.  Gives him a chance to be a kid again...wait a minute, do they ever truly grow up?  Love ya honey!

It's PSR night, so I'm sure my daughter will be kicking and screaming along the way.  And I need to go ask Jacques to record my TV tonight, assuming my husband hasn't already scheduled something...hmmm, whose birthday present was this?

Eat well and try to stay dry if you are close!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 4 - Grilled Cheese 'n' Veggie Sandwich

Happy Easter!

I had to make something light for an early lunch before mass and heading over to our cousins' house to celebrate Easter.  The sandwich was pretty good, but I have to admit, I'm a cheese and bread kinda gal with my veggies on the side.  It was filling for a sandwich, and I'll probably make it again sometime, might just change up the veggies a bit.

It really has been a long and blessed day.  I hope to share more wonderful thoughts tomorrow.  Again, hug those loved ones tight!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 3 - PB&J Oatmeal Heaven

I woke up this morning to see on the news the devastation north of us from the tornadoes and storms last night.  I could not believe the destruction of the homes in its path.  I couldn't believe that the airport was shut down.  All I can do is send my prayers to those affected and hope that recovery can be smooth and quick for all of them.  I am thankful that no fatalities were reported and that everyone was able to reach shelter in time.  We did spend most of the evening in the basement waiting for our area to clear.  Lots of fun for my daughter and her friend sleeping over. :) 

I decided to eat my HG meal for breakfast since I was up early and had the time to prepare it.  I tried the PB&J Oatmeal Heaven and it was pretty true to its name.  Again, preparation was pretty simple.  Some measuring and chopping and stirring...but it was worth the wait.  I'll be honest, oatmeal has NEVER appealed to me beyond being a healthier breakfast option.  But this was GOOD!  The creaminess of the oatmeal and the peanut butter and strawberries came together in breakfast perfection.  And so filling!  I actually couldn't finish it all at first, had to come back to it later and warm it up in the microwave.  It's a little higher in WW pointsplus, but for me not too bad and worth every bite!

It has been a day of cleaning, organzing, and wishing it were sunny outside.  I am hoping to have a garage sale next Sat, so I'm getting things ready for that endeavor.  I hope I can make it happen!  I feel like decluttering our house will lift a weight from my shoulders.  We shall see.  I'm looking forward to celebrating Easter tomorrow, hopefully the Easter bunny will make an appearance and the kids won't complain too much when we go to mass.  I hope to have a fun visit with family tomorrow as well.

Have a good night!  Hug your loved ones tight!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 2 - Bunless Mediterranean Burger

Who am I kidding?  I'm all about the bun!  I thoroughly enjoyed my late lunch today which was basically a Boca burger with roasted red pepper and feta cheese on top.  I have really been loving feta cheese lately, and this burger was completely delicious!

I want to take a moment to take those of you who read my first blog entry following my shameless post on Facebook.  Gotta get the word out there somehow! :)  And I want to thank those of you who actually came back to read more.  I told you that I love to talk and sometimes as a SAHM, we have no one to talk to that is over the age of 18.  I get on a roll when I am with other moms, and I'm surprised that they don't tell me to stop talking or just walk away.  Seriously other moms can be a lifeline when you are drowning in the perils of teething, potty training, talking back and sibling rivalry.  I'm sure other issues will drown me in the future, but those are the ones we have tackled and are still tackling.

I'm proud to say that I am on track to have a fabulous WW day.  Points entered thus far, getting my fruits and veggies, drinking my water.  I was even able to pass up the movie popcorn today when we saw Rio, which was a pretty cute movie, but the entire town was there!  My daughter had just finished studying Brazil in her class, so I think it clicked with her, even though Rio was animated and full of talking birds. 

I just tried a pumpkin spice vitatop that arrived on my doorstep today, and it was great!  I'm a pumpkin freak, partially because I just love it, and partially because HG has taught me ways to use it in other recipes that totally rock!  I'm sure I'll be making some of them along the way; I know they are in the new book.  I realized something last night after typing my first entry:  there were no other recipes I could make out of the book with the items in my fridge and pantry.  Ugh, I had to make a major grocery trip today with both kids out of school.  Thankfully they sat in a rocket ship cart (yes, my 7 year old still wants to do so even though her knees were crunched against the metal).  Gotta love whoever decided kids should have fun at the grocery store, it is nice when they are contained. :)

What else?  Oh yes, our towels, they are brand new from our wedding.  We got married almost 12 years ago and have been using the same sets of towels since (rotating 2 colors each week).   Finally my son's preschool gave us a reason to give them up as a donation to a serving learning project for the humane society.  Thank you!  It's amazing how soft and fluffy new towels are...I almost didn't want to wash them the first time and ruin the luxurious feel of them.  It's the little things in life, seriously.

I was just thinking about how much money I'm going to save in therapy by typing a blog on here.  It feels wonderful to just write what I'm thinking about here, for free.  This past year I have been looking at religion in a new light; my daughter has almost finished her first year of PSR.  She has asked thoughtful questions along the way and it's been both fun and challenging to explain holidays to her to reinforce their true meaning.  With Easter in two days, she is looking forward to the visit from the Easter bunny and the celebration of the resurrection of Christ.  If only she would pay attention more during mass....  I also wanted to mention the big hug I received from my husband after he read my first blog entry.  He's such a special guy!

I'm sure I could continue on, but I will save it for another day.  Have a Good Friday!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 1- First attempt at a blog - Buffalo Chicken Macaroni & Cheese

So, I suppose I should first explain the title of my blog.  I worked my way through graduate school with the help and support of my wonderful husband.  Following the completion of my Ph.D. in Chemistry, I worked as a post-doc for a few years.  In an effort to get prepared for starting a family, I began a long weight loss journey which resulted in the loss of 70 lbs.  I was hot! :)  WeightWatchers and Curves were my favorite friends during this journey.

Our daughter was born in 2004 in the wonderful state of Texas, and I continued to work for about 16 months after she was born.  But things had changed for me emotionally and I wanted to be with her all the time.  I had always known that I wanted to stay home with my children.  So why did I get my Ph.D.?  Good question, I'm still working on a solid answer to that.  But now you know why I call myself Dr. Mom.  I do have hopes of using it again sometime in the future.  When she was 16 months old we relocated to the city that my husband grew up in...he found a wonderful job.  It worked out that I was able to stay home with our daughter.  A dream come true, right?

I was still carrying some of the baby weight from my pregnancy, but not that much when we moved.  Unfortunately, I really didn't know how to be a stay-at-home mom, so I was lonely and filled up my time with food.  I might as well be honest, it's true.  I gained almost 50lbs in a year or so.  Wow.  I wish I could go back to that woman and knock some sense into her.  Go for walks, meet other moms, etc.  I've always been a closet eater, just ask my parents.  I'd love to blame it on the healthy eating I had to do as a child, but that's not really fair to my mom.  She is a wonderful, amazing mother and woman.

Ugh, overweight, depressed, wow I was pretty pathetic.  Then we decided it was time to try for #2.  I was really happy when I found out I was pregnant.  My husband was not happy that it happened so quickly. ;)  We were blessed with a little boy just 3 years and 5 days after my daughter was born.  Now I was a SAHM of two kids!  Now what was I going to do....

Fast forward four years and here we are, I have a first grader and a preschooler who are just the most amazing people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.  Watching them grow up thus far has brought joy and tears and screams and laughter and pride to my life.  But I haven't been able to get control of MY life.  I want to be healthy and a good role model for my children.  I spend alot of time volunteering with the PTO at both schools and with the Girl Scouts.  So I do feel like those things show them that I am interested and involved in what they are doing at school and in their lives. 

But I have to face it, sometimes I can be pretty selfish.  My husband would tell you that I watch too much tv, and it's true.  But he just bought me a dvr for my birthday. It's a computer that we have nicknamed Jacques, which comes from an old Simpsons episode in which Homer bought Marge a bowling ball with his name on it.  Yes, a computer for my birthday, how romantic! :)  To be honest, I've just started using it and it's pretty cool.  At least I don't have to record using my VHS tape anymore...I was starting to wonder if I would ever be able to buy a blank tape again.

Okay, so why the blog now?  Because I love to write and I love to talk and I need to be held accountable to someone other than myself.  I want to make a commitment to a healthier and more enjoyable life all around, with my husband and my children.  I have been a follower of Hungry Girl for a few years now, and I love her ideas and recipes.  I recently purchased her new book Hungry Girl 300 Under 300:  300 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Recipes Under 300 Calories, but until tonight I hadn't made any recipes yet.  So in true "Being Julia" style, I decided to attempt at making one of those recipes each day for the next 300 days starting today.  I highly doubt my husband  will eat all of them, but I know he will support me in following through with this commitment.

I adore mac and cheese, not just love it.  I really want to marry it.  Tonight I made Buffalo Chicken Macaroni and Cheese from the book.  It was creamy and buffalo-y and really filled me up.  Preparation was fairly simple and quick, I think I may have overshot the Franks just a tad though.  I had to tell my husband that there was mustard in it, so I'm sure he won't touch it, but he thought it smelled really good. 

So I made it through day number one and have typed a book for my first blog.  I'm really not sure what I will type everyday, but I will share my life and thoughts as I continue my path as Dr. Mom. Here starts my journey to a happier and healthier me!