Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 2 - Bunless Mediterranean Burger

Who am I kidding?  I'm all about the bun!  I thoroughly enjoyed my late lunch today which was basically a Boca burger with roasted red pepper and feta cheese on top.  I have really been loving feta cheese lately, and this burger was completely delicious!

I want to take a moment to take those of you who read my first blog entry following my shameless post on Facebook.  Gotta get the word out there somehow! :)  And I want to thank those of you who actually came back to read more.  I told you that I love to talk and sometimes as a SAHM, we have no one to talk to that is over the age of 18.  I get on a roll when I am with other moms, and I'm surprised that they don't tell me to stop talking or just walk away.  Seriously other moms can be a lifeline when you are drowning in the perils of teething, potty training, talking back and sibling rivalry.  I'm sure other issues will drown me in the future, but those are the ones we have tackled and are still tackling.

I'm proud to say that I am on track to have a fabulous WW day.  Points entered thus far, getting my fruits and veggies, drinking my water.  I was even able to pass up the movie popcorn today when we saw Rio, which was a pretty cute movie, but the entire town was there!  My daughter had just finished studying Brazil in her class, so I think it clicked with her, even though Rio was animated and full of talking birds. 

I just tried a pumpkin spice vitatop that arrived on my doorstep today, and it was great!  I'm a pumpkin freak, partially because I just love it, and partially because HG has taught me ways to use it in other recipes that totally rock!  I'm sure I'll be making some of them along the way; I know they are in the new book.  I realized something last night after typing my first entry:  there were no other recipes I could make out of the book with the items in my fridge and pantry.  Ugh, I had to make a major grocery trip today with both kids out of school.  Thankfully they sat in a rocket ship cart (yes, my 7 year old still wants to do so even though her knees were crunched against the metal).  Gotta love whoever decided kids should have fun at the grocery store, it is nice when they are contained. :)

What else?  Oh yes, our towels, they are brand new from our wedding.  We got married almost 12 years ago and have been using the same sets of towels since (rotating 2 colors each week).   Finally my son's preschool gave us a reason to give them up as a donation to a serving learning project for the humane society.  Thank you!  It's amazing how soft and fluffy new towels are...I almost didn't want to wash them the first time and ruin the luxurious feel of them.  It's the little things in life, seriously.

I was just thinking about how much money I'm going to save in therapy by typing a blog on here.  It feels wonderful to just write what I'm thinking about here, for free.  This past year I have been looking at religion in a new light; my daughter has almost finished her first year of PSR.  She has asked thoughtful questions along the way and it's been both fun and challenging to explain holidays to her to reinforce their true meaning.  With Easter in two days, she is looking forward to the visit from the Easter bunny and the celebration of the resurrection of Christ.  If only she would pay attention more during mass....  I also wanted to mention the big hug I received from my husband after he read my first blog entry.  He's such a special guy!

I'm sure I could continue on, but I will save it for another day.  Have a Good Friday!

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