Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 9 - All-American Egg Mug

My first HG egg mug!  It was pretty good this morning.  And filling as well.  I haven't been the biggest fan of egg beaters in the past, but with the goodies mixed in, not too bad.  I usually just stick to the egg whites from regular eggs and throw away the yolks.  Not sure which way is cheaper these days.

Every Friday I have the opportunity to volunteer in my daughter's classroom for the gifted program.  It has been fun to watch the kids grow over the course of the year.  They are currently getting items ready for an environmental fair from which the proceeds will be donated to a local bird sanctuary.  I'm just in awe of what first graders are asked to accomplish these days.  I know it's a different world than when I was a kid, but wow.  I have to say that the one thing she struggles with is her handwriting, I think she inherited her dad's talent with a pencil.  I can remember spending so much time on this basic skill in elementary school and now, there is not a minute to spare in the day to work on it.  She has gotten so much better over the course of the year, but still not where she is expected to be for a first grader.  Writing has become a lost art, I suppose, with the technological world we live in today.

In case you were wondering, no garage sale tomorrow, possible rain and I'm going to wait a month for our subdivision sale when they do all the advertising.  I'm struggling with what has become a very emotional issue in our household.  My four year old son still has yet to poop in the potty completely on his own.  We've caught him and run him in there, but he hasn't quite gotten there himself.  I still debate whether it's just him being stubborn or lack of control.  I do know that it doesn't really seem like he cares much at all.  I think I know that he will get there someday, but it's hard to believe it, and I am so sick of diapers.

Anyhow, hoping to start a couple home projects soon, our dining room and kitchen both have some wallpaper that needs to disappear.  We haven't done much to the house since we moved in almost six years ago, and it's time!  We ate out tonight at a 'best of' mexican restaurant tonight.  I was good:  counted my chips and brought half my meal home.  Just another day of trying to eat well and keep on track.

Still thinking about the devastated lives of those in the tornadoes' path this past week, I hope that peace and comfort finds them.  Hug your loved ones tight, in the end, they are all that matter.

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